TorontoLightsUpHoliday festivities are already in under way but it’s this Saturday – November 28, 2015 – when the City gets its serious sparkle. Families have a lot to choose from – from citywide parties to neighbour gatherings. Not only are they free – they’ll have you home before bedtime.

Let the twinkle tours begin!
  • Calvacade of Lights:  The City meets up at Nathan Philips Square for the biggest tree lighting ceremony with skating, live music and fireworks. (6 to 11 p.m.)
  • Spectacle of Lights: The Waterfront beams at four locations – the Westin Hotel, the Fire Hall, the Tall Ship on the Amsterdam Bridge at Harbourfront Centre and the Toronto Music Garden. (On display until January 2, 2016.)
  • Festival of Lights: East Lynn Park in Danforth East hosts circus performers, dancers and singers. And a big tree lighting. (4 to 6 p.m.)
  • Cabbage town Holiday Kick Off: Live music, Santa selfies, tree decorating and wagon rides at the corner of Carlton and Parliament Streets. (12 to 2 p.m.)
Already burning bright:
Any other community lightings up this weekend? Please add them to the comments!