Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square with Kids in TOw

Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square with Kids in TOw

It’s the heart of the downtown, home to Toronto City Hall and the City’s go-to spot to celebrate the latest celebration. But on the day-to-day, it’s filled with Torontonians and tourists just passing by and hanging out. Here are six things you can do with your kids at...
Family Travel: Niagara Falls

Family Travel: Niagara Falls

Travel abroad and ask non-Canadians where they have been to in Canada and chances are they’ll respond with Niagara Falls. Mother Nature’s big stamp on southern Ontario – the powerful waters are a beacon for tourists and a symbol for Canada. Ask any Canadian if they’ve...
The Best Age to Visit the Toronto Zoo

The Best Age to Visit the Toronto Zoo

Whenever we hit the highway to head to the Toronto Zoo, I can’t help but to hum the happy Raffi tune ‘we’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo…’ fuelled by my kids’ excitement to see whatever animal that has piqued their interest that year....
Lovenotes Concert Series for Parents (and Kids)

Lovenotes Concert Series for Parents (and Kids)

Imagine – going to a music concert without having to get a babysitter or stay up past your bedtime. Alison Porter, Owner of Lovenotes School of Music has launched a monthly concert series for adults — mid-day, mid-week and free. The only catch –...