We have always loved the creative ways the Toronto Symphony Orchestra (TSO) has been inspiring kids in this city to experience classical music – from fun storytimes (we’re thinking of The Hockey Sweater with Roch Carrier) to wearing your costume to a concert (the...
Lovenotes Concert Series for Parents (and Kids)

Lovenotes Concert Series for Parents (and Kids)

Imagine – going to a music concert without having to get a babysitter or stay up past your bedtime. Alison Porter, Owner of Lovenotes School of Music has launched a monthly concert series for adults — mid-day, mid-week and free. The only catch –...
Top 10 Places to See Live Music with Kids in Toronto

Top 10 Places to See Live Music with Kids in Toronto

With Alison Porter of Lovenotes School of Music “Everyone is born with the ability to be musical. To hear melody and pitch. To feel rhythm.” But even with tiny music lovers in TOw, Alison Porter, an east end mom and owner of Lovenotes School of Music, knows that you...
Sharon, Lois & Bram Music Garden

Sharon, Lois & Bram Music Garden

At the centre of one of Toronto’s prettiest midtown parks come sweet sounds of kids playing, laughing and — making music. No question, any Canadian parent will immediately recognize the iconic elephant made famous by musical trio Sharon, Lois & Bram....
Canadian Opera Company – Opera for Families

Canadian Opera Company – Opera for Families

The performing arts world in Toronto is huge even for the littlest patrons. With so many organizations offering family-friendly options – the Toronto Symphony Orchestra’s Young People’s Concerts, the annual Ross Petty holiday production and Solar Stage Children’s...