Summer Leftovers

Summer Leftovers

September is the new August, right? Even though we are back to school, it doesn’t mean that summer fun has to end. As we set out to conquer our Summer To-Do List way back in June, we discovered some new destinations and activities that need to happen before the leaves...
Green Back-to-School

Green Back-to-School

I’m in denial. Next week is back to school for Toronto kids. That’s not much time to gear up, especially for parents with multiple mile-long lists. Guess what? This year, we’re making that list shorter. As we start checking off supplies and loading up the...
50 Reasons to Love Toronto with Kids in TOw

50 Reasons to Love Toronto with Kids in TOw

Small town vs. big city, suburbia vs. downtown, the list of pros and cons is long in the never-ending discussion of where is the best place to raise a family. As parents we often look at our own childhood experience to guide us in how we’d like our children to grow...
Cohon Family Nature Escape

Cohon Family Nature Escape

Our kids always love a trip the Ontario Science Centre. But on a recent visit we switched up our normal indoor circuit and instead, stayed outside. There is so much to do inside that it’s easy to miss the great outdoors. But a pause and peek out the windows and...
Hillside Festival

Hillside Festival

Outdoor music festival time is around the corner. Remember those chilled out weekends of non-stop music, hopping from stage to stage, discovering new bands, dancing under the stars, staying up late and even camping? It doesn’t have to end when you have Kids in TOw....