Children’s Book Bank

Children’s Book Bank

Our love of books has us browsing libraries, book stores, story times and now – our newest favourite book nook –  the Children’s Book Bank. In an old Victorian home turned storefront in the Regent Park/Cabbagetown neighbourhood, the “book bank’...


This summer my son and I joined a mob. A reading, crafting, acting, costumed crowd of book-lovers. StoryMobs is not your typical story time. This free family event brings together the masses around one children’s book, resulting in a spontaneous flash mob...
Treasure Island Toys

Treasure Island Toys

Can’t say my kids are the best at browsing, so I usually go solo when toy shopping. That changed when I recently brought my toddler to Treasure Island Toys (on the south side of Danforth Ave at Carlaw Ave) for some play time. Story time, in fact. The free...
S. Walter Stewart Library

S. Walter Stewart Library

If you’re like me, you stay faithful to your local Toronto Public Library and rarely venture to another location. However, a recent trip outside our hood to the S. Walter Stewart Library inspired me to start expanding my book-borrowing zone and check out some of...