by Renee Tratch | Sep 5, 2019 | Giveaway, Storytime & Books
Skinnamarinky-dinky-dink, skinnamarinky do… Parent or not, you know you know the words. And if you have little ones in TOw, guaranteed you have shared the beloved anthem and accompanying actions that you learned as a child with your own family. The classic folk song...
by Renee Tratch | Jun 11, 2018 | Storytime & Books
Hilary Leung Artist, Illustrator, Author Toronto dad Hilary Leung is one of the friendliest most creative people I know. The author, illustrator and all-around-awesome dad in TOw is the co-creator behind the kid books Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear (first self-published...
by Renee Tratch | Apr 7, 2014 | Free, Kids Programs
If you’re like me, you stay faithful to your local Toronto Public Library and rarely venture to another location. However, a recent trip outside our hood to the S. Walter Stewart Library inspired me to start expanding my book-borrowing zone and check out some of...
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