This is not your average mini golf. PAR-TEE PUTT is Toronto’s newest indoor mini golf club. Located in the entertainment district, the bar boasts 27 themed holes (three nine-hole courses) and on weekends offers an all ages experience from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Outside of...
There is a new game in TOwn. This winter Stackt Market, the shipping container market located at Bathurst and Front streets, opened Toronto’s first Crokicurl rink, an outdoor game where crokinole and curling collide. I’ve been wanting to try this out ever since I’ve...
“Do we have to read everything?” says my 10-year-old as we entered Bloodsuckers: Legends to Leeches that just opened at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. Our family explores museums in very different ways. One like a pinball machine, the other beelining it to...
So, it’s still winter. And I am done hibernating. Thank goodness Toronto has yet another spot to entice you outdoors. It has taken us most of the winter months to finally make it to Ontario Place to check out the new art exhibition that has been lighting up the Lake...
What brings you down to Toronto’s Waterfront? Usually it’s ferrying across to Toronto Island or crossing TOwn on bike along Queen’s Quay. But most recently it was a winter walk that brought us down to the icy shores of Lake Ontario to check out Ice Breakers, a new...
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