by Renee Tratch | Oct 11, 2017 | Feed Your Family
Hello Halloween and all the good and not-so-goodness that comes with it. It seems that every year as my little trick-or-treaters grow, so do the bags of sugary junk they haul in after an evening of touring the block. (You can see how I feel about and cope with the...
by Renee Tratch | Nov 16, 2016 | Gift Guide
Pop-up shops are popping up everywhere and for a lover of locally made, it’s my favourite way to shop for the holidays. It’s not always easy to pop in, so we’ve pulled together our favourites so you can go online to grab these unique made in T.O. products...
by Renee Tratch | Nov 25, 2015 | Art, Keep Mom Sane
It’s one of my favourite times of year – the One of a Kind Christmas Show. During its 11-day stay (Thursday, November 26 to Sunday, December 6, 2015) at Exhibition Place, thousands shop, eat, browse and buy from over 800 artisans from across North America....
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