by Renee Tratch | May 12, 2019 | Parenthood
I was the perfect mom before I had kids. Oh, my kids will sleep through the night – nope. Oh, we’ll never snack in the car – here comes the crumbs. Over the past ten years those little babes-turned-toddlers-turned-kids continued to have an immense power to toss my...
by Renee Tratch | May 12, 2017 | Gift Guide, Keep Mom Sane
All week my family has been asking me what I want to do for Mother’s Day. And that I tell you is a gift in itself. They know me well. While I love surprises, I do like organizing ahead time, carefully curating an experience, and planing for plan B. This year,...
by Renee Tratch | Apr 26, 2017 | Keep Mom Sane, Parenthood
With Your Shop Girl Suzanne Colmer Those expensive jeans that haven’t fit quite right since having kids. The blazers and dress pants from my office days before my first mat leave. Seven in- and out-of-style pairs of pants, five skirts, a few shorts and work-out gear,...
by Renee Tratch | Feb 13, 2017 | Keep Mom Sane
So I fell asleep floating in this. It might have been a mere second of slumber before I came back to reality. But for one amazing hour, my reality was that of pure relaxation, quiet, solitude and feeling as light as a feather soaking in a tub. This isn’t your typical...
by Renee Tratch | Jan 10, 2017 | Keep Mom Sane, Parenthood
It was my first week back after mat leave and as I was fast-walking out the door at 5 p.m. on my race to daycare pick up, a colleague, whom I hadn’t seen in a year, greeted me with “oh right, you’re on mommy hours now.” Mommy hours?! You mean the schedule where...
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