Mary Poppins at YPT

Mary Poppins at YPT

It was discovering that 34-letter word that had my kids asking to see Mary Poppins. We opted to see the musical production at Young People’s Theatre (on until January 6, 2019) instead of waiting to see the latest Hollywood rendition, which opens at the movie...
A CHRISTMAS CAROL at Toronto’s Elgin Theatre

A CHRISTMAS CAROL at Toronto’s Elgin Theatre

I am not sure who laughed more – me, my eight year-old or grandma in TOw – at this year’s holiday panto A Christmas Carol, the Family Musical with a Scrooge Loose on now until December 31, 2017 at Toronto’s Elgin Theatre. The beauty of the hilarity is that we...
Robin Hood – A Merry Magical Pantomime

Robin Hood – A Merry Magical Pantomime

This may just be the highlight in the lead up to the holidays. I was on the hunt for some holiday cheer. This year has been a particularly heavy one as far as world events go. And maybe it’s because I’ve struggled explaining the challenges and tragedies to my...
YPT’s The Wizard of Oz is awesome because…

YPT’s The Wizard of Oz is awesome because…

Well, this brings back memories. Toronto’s Young People’s Theatre presents the musical classic The Wizard of Oz now until May 15, 2016. It’s a spectacular refresh of the TV version I saw as a child on the prairies. (I am quite certain it started my...