Family Travel: The Bruce Peninsula in Ontario

Family Travel: The Bruce Peninsula in Ontario

Oh Ontario. There is so much of you to discover. We skipped TOwn and went west and north to explore the Bruce, a gorgeous piece of the province filled with beaches, bays, forests and farms. With the Georgian Bluffs (near Wiarton) as our home base, we day tripped up...
Family Travel: Niagara Falls

Family Travel: Niagara Falls

Travel abroad and ask non-Canadians where they have been to in Canada and chances are they’ll respond with Niagara Falls. Mother Nature’s big stamp on southern Ontario – the powerful waters are a beacon for tourists and a symbol for Canada. Ask any Canadian if they’ve...
Family Travel | Kids in Calgary

Family Travel | Kids in Calgary

This summer we went west to Calgary, Alberta. The road trip to the Canadian Rockies was everything we expected and wanted it to be: Mountains, crisp air and cowboys. Yes, it all sounds very stereotypical (our visit did coincide with the Calgary Stampede after all) but...