When long days of soggy weather or icky humidity arrive, we escape to the Toronto Public Library. On one particularly wet day, we puddle-jumped all the way to our local branch where we thought we had hit the jackpot — a dragon book and dinosaur DVD.
But there was more. At the circulation desk a very friendly and helpful librarian offered my four-year-old his very own library card and a passport for the TD Summer Reading Club. What kid doesn’t like a chance to collect stickers?
We returned the following week for more books and of course the sticker. Be ready parents – time for your kids’ first book report. Roll the dice for one skill-testing question.
Librarian: Why did you choose this book?
My son’s answer: Because I wanted to read it.
Fair enough. Sticker stuck.
Find your branch – there are 98 in the city. Super accessible and stroller-friendly. Plan your trip around one of the kid programs.
Sticker codes – collect all nine to unlock games online. There are scavenger hunts, stories and jokes. If your kid is keen – write a review.
Go online – the Toronto Public Library’s Kids Space has activities for all ages. Even audio files for books where your young reader can follow along.
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