CirqueabilityTorontoThis is where moms hang.

My three-year-old and I headed west to Cirque-ability, a circus school and gym that offers beginner to performance classes for kids, families and adults.

We signed up for a Mommy Aerial class – a rare opportunity where can do a class and he can tag along. So while the kids (0 to 5-years-old) explored in the ‘circus playground’ (bouncy castle, ride-on toys, mini-trampoline etc.), moms got a workout learning some cool moves on the trapeze, hoop and silks.

But this is only one way to get in some circus tricks. Cirque-ability also offers classes for  kids (from babies to performance-level teens), the whole family (Mommy Aerial and Family Aerial) as well as kid parties. Not sure where to start? Drop in during a non-instructional open gym time where you and your child (0-5 years-old) can check out the space and play.

PS – There is also adult classes to Keep Mom Sane.

PSS – That is not me pictured above. The strong woman hanging upside down is the talented mama behind Ariel Grace Yoga.
CirqueTots2 CirqueTots


Getting there: The studio is in an industrial building south of Bloor W and west of Lansdowne. Some free residential parking. We were fine parking around the perimetre of the building. Closest subway station is Lansdowne

Low-down: Schedule & Cost. In the gym, socks or barefree only.

Potty time: Yes, washrooms onsite.

Snack time: Yes, in designated snacking area.

In the hood: Approximately 2km east is Dufferin Grove Park and Mall.

Circus in the east: Check out the Circus Academy on Gerrard St. E.


213 Stirling Rd, North entrance
Tel: 647.238.0868
Instagram @cirqueability