Geocaching with Kids

Geocaching with Kids

How about a worldwide game of hide-and-seek? Welcome to Geocaching and for those who have yet to try, let me tell you, it’s one of the easiest adventures to get kids outside, active and exploring their surroundings. Geocachers have been at it for 15 years. The...
Toronto Nature Hikes with Kids

Toronto Nature Hikes with Kids

What’s more Canadian than a hike with the family in the great outdoors? Well, lucky for us in Toronto, we don’t have to leave TOwn for a trip into nature. It’s hard to believe that almost 20 per cent of our city is ravines and forest. According to Toronto author...
EarthPLAY’s POP UP Adventure Playground

EarthPLAY’s POP UP Adventure Playground

There has been a new kind of playground popping up in green spaces across Toronto. For past two summers, PLAYbynature has been putting unstructured play back into the lives of kids through a series of POP UP Adventure Playgrounds. Partnering with local organizations,...
50 Reasons to Love Toronto with Kids in TOw

50 Reasons to Love Toronto with Kids in TOw

Small town vs. big city, suburbia vs. downtown, the list of pros and cons is long in the never-ending discussion of where is the best place to raise a family. As parents we often look at our own childhood experience to guide us in how we’d like our children to grow...
Ontario Celebration Zone

Ontario Celebration Zone

We love how whole city is bursting with Pan Am activities and excitement. Toronto is not the only one showing off its best – so is Ontario. Until August 16, Harbourfront Centre is home to the Ontario Celebration Zone, a summer festival showcasing all our...