Monarch Park StadiumWe are always on the hunt for places to run indoors when the the cold days of winter arrive. And we found it — Toddler Playtime at Monarch Park Stadium.

Affectionately known as “The Bubble” at our house, the stadium next to Monarch Park (west of Coxwell Ave and south of the Danforth), opens one field on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am – 12pm for the five-and-unders to run. And run. And run.

There are balls of all sizes, kid-sized nets in addition to the big ones, small hockey sticks, a bouncy castle, hoola hoops, tunnels and a large parachute.  The day we went we had the parachute flapping and kids laughing.


Getting there: By car, you’ll find plenty of free parking in the lot next to the stadium. Free street parking in the neighbourhood too. By TTC, take the 22 Coxwell bus (get off at Hanson St and walk west past the high school) or subway to Coxwell Station and walk south to Hanson St. The entrance is along Parkmount Rd. For those pushing kids, strollers are allowed in the dome during the day.

Price: The two-hour playtime is $7 per child or $12 for a family. Non-walkers are free.

Turf it: The artificial turf provides a nice cushion for wipe-outs. No mud of course but don’t be surprised if you come home with tiny black turf bits in all sorts of places.

Potty time: Bathrooms with change tables in club house.

Snacks: Normally food and drink are prohibited. But if the kiddos need a small snack, be considerate and keep the sidelines tidy. When the club house opens, there will be water, gatorade and some snacks for sale.

Clothing: Shoes or socks are fine. Although it’s much warmer than outdoors, you and your little ones may want an extra layer. Unless of course you are breaking a sweat running the field.

Adults can run too: Parents or caregivers can walk or jog with strollers around the track from Monday through Friday from 9am – 12pm. The price is equivalent to a day pass ($9) and is included in the Monarch Park Stadium track membership.

1 Hanson St.
