It’s always a sweet surprise to come upon a new park. And not just new to you but a brand spanking new playground. Our latest find was Moncur Park just east of Coxwell, north of Dundas St. W. along Gainsborough Rd.

This past fall, the previously under-used and outdated park nestled at the base of two small hills went through a major overhaul – removing the old playground and adding the new equipment, plus a paved, fenced-in ball hockey court. We love it. Play structures for kids of all ages, swings and sandbox on wood chips.

If you live in that hood, you already know that it’s a great community. Check out the upcoming events that FOMP (Friends of Moncur Park) have on the go.


Getting there: Driving, free residential parking in the neighbourhood. On TTC, the Coxwell 22 bus goes between Queen St. E and Coxwell Station on Coxwell Ave. Access points are Coxwell Ave (walk down the hill); Gainsborough Rd (hill with a few stairs); and Robbins Ave to the south (no hill/stairs.)

Potty Time: We couldn’t spot any bathrooms or port-a-potties.

Bring a snack: Lots to do – playground, ball diamond and ball hockey court – so pack a picnic. We saw one picnic table, but lots of room for blankets under some large trees offering shade come summer. Nearest cafes are probably on Gerrard St. E at Coxwell. We recommend Lazy Daisy’s Cafe.