This summer my son and I joined a mob. A reading, crafting, acting, costumed crowd of book-lovers. StoryMobs is not your typical story time. This free family event brings together the masses around one children’s book, resulting in a spontaneous flash mob performance in a public space.
We joined the national StoryMob reading of Nicholas Oldland’s Busy Beaver to launch the TD Summer Reading Club at the Toronto Public Library Beaches Branch. After some costume and prop design, the participants convened for some basic rehearsing – kids or adults read one line of the story and the group practiced some simple choreographed actions.
My son’s favourite moment was literally mob-like. Before heading outside to perform our reading, we marched around the library with our costumes and props chanting “busy beavers coming through, got a lot of work to do!”
Next up: Curious George Sunday, August 31.
- Crafting
- Props
- Rehearsal
- Story Mob
Low-down: Free event for families and kids of all ages. The more the merrier. Location is in a public place and announced 24 hours prior to mob-time.
How to Prep: Sign up for their newsletter or check the calendar for the next StoryMob, learn more about the book online and even reserve your favourite line before attending.
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