ByebyesummerAnd there goes summer. Did it just fly by? You made it to week ten. Well, almost. Here are some activities to squeeze into these last glorious days of summer before it’s back-to-school.

Travel back in time: Black Creek Pioneer Village is the Toronto of yesteryears. It’s set up like a small community in the 1800s with tons of kid-friendly activities. Their special summer programming runs until Monday, September 7. There is free admission for everyone every Tuesday after 2 p.m. and it is also part of the Toronto Public Library’s Museum + Arts Pass. (Valid on weekdays only.) PS – they also have a historic brewery there with daily tours and sampling.

Climb a tree: One last road trip. Destination: Stouffville for some Treetop Trekking. While big kids are busy climbing and ziplining, littler ones can explore their Treewalk Village, a brand new adventure park in Bruce’s Mill Conservation area. The eight-foot hammock nets (don’t worry, they are totally enclosed), slides, tunnels and “Treewee Walk” obstacle course are for kids 2-and-older. We’re in.

OpenStreetsTOHead Downtown: Let the kids play in the streets! Pedestrians and cyclists take over Yonge and Bloor streets on Sunday, September 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for Open Streets Toronto. Be sure to check the map and plan your visit to hit one or some of the activity hubs.

Rainy Day: Museums are always a perfect excursion when indoor play is on the agenda. This week, the Aga Khan Museum. We’ve admired it from afar and it’s equally gorgeous inside. Sundays are Family Days with games and crafts from noon to 4 p.m. (designed for kids 5-12. Adults need to be there.) You can also pick up a Family Exploration Kits any day and go on a creature hunt, complete a pattern or write an adventure story. Definitely spend some time outdoors. The surrounding area is beautiful with lots of space to run and picnic.

ApplesStuck at Home: Apple picking season has just started. And there are tons of places where you can pick your own or simply pick up a basket at your local farmers’ market. We filled ours at Organics Family Farm just north of Markham. So now what? With your abundance of apples, get the kids to help in the kitchen. While an easy apple crisp never disappoints, here are 50 Things to Make with Apples (note, some of these recipes are adult-friendly.)

Keep Mom Sane: Grab the girlfriends or make it a date night on the patio for Evergreen Brick Works final Jazz Night this Thursday, September 3. (There is also tons of family fun in the Children’s Gardens on weekends and some weeknights.) Friday and Saturday evenings are the final patio nights at Diwan, the restaurant at the Aga Khan Museum. (I’ll say it again – the view is amazing.) Or simply a dinner on the town? You can BYOB – here is a list of some of Toronto’s restaurants that offer free corkage.