While we’ve been out exploring Toronto and writing about our favourite family-friendly spots around TOwn, we’ve met a ton of moms doing creative and courageous things. I’ve teamed up with fellow mama and very talented photographer Emily Doukogiannis to share them with you. This new series Moms in T.O. features these super-women, their current reality, how they keep sane, and what they love about Toronto with and without Kids in TOw.
I’ll start.
Motherhood at the moment:
I’m a SAHM (an acronym that I had no idea existed until I decided not to return to “work” after my second child.) My boys are 6 and 3. When I can, I write. I am a born-again writer. I spent a dozen years on the dark side (PR) before returning to my roots in journalism. I love the written word and this blog is a chronicle of our adventures in Toronto. (This is what I told Emily on how it happened.)
Current kid challenge:
The fighting and arguing. I am an only child so this is my first real taste of sibling dynamics and it’s a constant struggle. Some days I feel more like a referee, negotiator, teacher, magician than a mom. I know, welcome to parenthood.
Keep Mom Sane:
I need to get out of the house – whether it’s with and without kids. I’m most happy and comfortable when we’re out exploring. I never feel lonely when I’m alone. I love the quiet. But I do love gathering with girlfriends – they Keep Mom Sane. My best ideas come to me in a spin class.
Favourite Hood: I love my home-hood of Leslieville. Everything you need is on Queen St. E, plus it’s easy walking distance to The Beach and The Spit. But I am nostalgic for our old stomping ground in Cabbagetown. It’s such a beautiful historic piece of Toronto. We love hanging out at Riverdale Farm.
Best place in Toronto to visit as a family:
Evergreen Brick Works. It’s our escape into nature in the city. I always considered myself a nature-lover, but it wasn’t until the boys came along that I began discovering it through their eyes. It’s so fun and fascinating.
Wake up before the kids. (A tall order when they are always up at 6 a.m.) I would spend some quiet time writing, then head to a spin class or run. Meet my husband or girlfriends for brunch at a normal brunch hour or grab a coffee somewhere local. My recent fave is the Uncut Coffee at Sidekick Coffee and Comics on Queen St. E. They have the best mugs. The rest of the day could be anything because, really, mornings are the best.
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