kidsinto-lovebotsWhere are you and your little bots going this weekend?

Five things to do in Toronto — four are free!

1. Salmon Run: While you can head out on your own to catch the salmon swimming up stream in Toronto, the Toronto & Region Conservation Authority is hosting two events:

2. Hit the Spit: Saturday, Oct. 1st  Nature Walk in Tommy Thompson Park 10 a.m. to noon. (Pre-register online.)

3. Stay out all night: Those with babes in TOw, you know you’ll be up all night anyway, so throw them into a stroller or carrier and check out this year’s Nuit Blanche starting at sunset on Saturday, Oct. 1st until sunrise the next day. If you’re more into the post-event hype, these installations will still be up after the all-nighter.

4. Fall Festivals: The Kingston Road Harvest Festival is on Saturday, Oct. 1st. Be sure to swing by children’s bookstore Ella Minnow – they’ll have games, activities, giveaways and author readings. On Sunday, Oct 2nd, High Park is hosting its Harvest Festival near Colbourne Lodge and the Children’s Garden. The Markham Fair is on now until Sunday.

5. Beer: It’s October Fest season. Mill St. Brewery in the Distillery District is hosting an evening with beer and food. Get a babysitter.

Oh – and Friday night. Legoland Discovery Centre hosts its monthly Adults Only Night. If you’re that kind of adult.