halloweenhitlist2016Boo! Five ways to get into the Halloween spirit this weekend in Toronto: 

  1. Seasons Family Centre (on Davenport east of Bathurst) hosts its annual Haunted House with crafts, games and just the right about of boo! Sunday, October 30th from 3-5 p.m. $10 per family. Money raised goes to StartsWithMe, a mental health and well-being project and festival.
  1. Halloween in The Beach (Queen St. E) has a fun line-up for family-friendly activities like a Halloween maze, costume parade starting at Kew Gardens and a scavenger hunt (pick up your playing card at Mastermind Toys.) Saturday, October 29th from 12 – 4 p.m. On the oher end of town, the Junction Pumpkin Fest. Also Saturday, October 29th from 2 – 6 p.m.
  1. Toronto West Halloween Fest to benefit St. Joseph’s Health Centre. 1 km costume through the hood with performances by Sharon and Bram. Sunday, October 30th.
  1. Twilight Pumpkin Float in High Park on Sunday, October 30th from 4 – 6 p.m. Carve a pumpkin and set it afloat ($2.50 per pumpkin) – meet up at the northwest wading pool in High Park.
  1. Day of the Dead at Evergreen Brick Works, a family-friendly celebration of Latin American culture with live music, traditional dance, food, and latin market. Sunday, October 30th.

PS – stay tuned for a round-up of this year’s Pumpkin Parades.