et_toront-sonycentreOne of my most vivid movie memories from my childhood is E.T. — Sweet Elliott. That strange but adorable alien and his freaky voice. The Reese’s Pieces. And Drew Barrymore when she was cute and innocent.

So I couldn’t be more excited about revisiting the classic Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial in Toronto with my kid in TOw.

For two nights only, E.T. is in T.O. on a huge HD screen at the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts while the iconic music by John Williams is performed live and in sync by the Motion Picture Symphony Orchestra conducted by Evan Mitchell. Talk about magical!


Getting there: The Sony Centre for the Performing Arts is on Front St. at Yonge. For driving and parking info, go here.

Get your tickets: Tickets start at $49 + tax and service fees and can be purchased in person at the Sony Centre Box Office,
 over the phone at 1-855-872-SONY (7669) or online at

Go early: CTV and CP24 film critic Richard Crouse with Toronto film writer and critic Thom Ernst will discuss the legacy of Spileberg’s 1982 creation in the lower lobby at 6:30 p.m.