
Anyone else’s head spinning? There is SO MUCH on the go for families in T.O. Here are 7 of our top picks for outings for kids in TOw this weekend:

  1. New family-friendly Pantomine Robin Hood opens in Toronto’s East End.
  2. Toronto Marlies take on the Albany Devils at the ACC on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. See you there!
  3. Evergreen Brick Works’ FREE Winter Village is thee destination for winter fun in the city. Skating (pictured above), shinny, street food and Etsy shopping.
  4. FREE Family Nature Walk on The Spit. Pre-registration is required.
  5. FREE Skate with Santa at Downsview Park on Saturday, 17th from  11 – 12:30  (Didn’t get into city of toronto learn-to-skate programs? Check out their line-up of figure skating and CanSkate classes.)
  6. FREE crafts for kids as part of PowerKids at the Power Plant. Pre-registration is required. PS – Bring your skates, FREE DJ Skate Nights start this weekend at Natrel Rink at Harbourfront.
  7. Annual Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is on now until December 24th as part of the Soulpepper’s Family Festival. Get all Christmas-y at the Toronto Christmas Market.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: It’s the 27th annual Winter Solstice Parade in Kensington Market on Wednesday, Dec. 21st.