Toronto’s Pumpkin Parades 2018

Toronto’s Pumpkin Parades 2018

One of our favourite days of the year is fast approaching – the day AFTER Halloween. On November 1, 2018, dozens of Toronto parks come alive with Pumpkin Parades, where jack-o-lantern-toting residents come together to show off the best-of for the year. It’s magical....
Halloween Treats: Spookies by Toronto’s New Moon Kitchen

Halloween Treats: Spookies by Toronto’s New Moon Kitchen

Hello Halloween and all the good and not-so-goodness that comes with it. It seems that every year as my little trick-or-treaters grow, so do the bags of sugary junk they haul in after an evening of touring the block. (You can see how I feel about and cope with the...
Halloween: How to handle my hate for the crappy treats

Halloween: How to handle my hate for the crappy treats

My love-hate relationship with Halloween goes like this: Love: My kids’ excitement around deciding on a costume and their happiness when you make it happen. Love: When they don’t change their mind about the costume the day before the big day. Love: Carving...
Pumpkin Parades in Toronto – November 1, 2016

Pumpkin Parades in Toronto – November 1, 2016

Give your pumpkins one more night to shine. A record number of 34 Pumpkin Parades will be lighting up parks across Toronto on Tuesday, November 1, 2016, ranging from 10 little guys to displays of close to 1,000. You can bring your jack-o-latern creation to one of...