WOW-ed by the ROM’s Blue Whale

WOW-ed by the ROM’s Blue Whale

If you’ve got a kid in TOw, you’ve likely been to the ROM in Toronto, explored its galleries and checked out one of its exhibitions. Me too, and then some. I used to work there and have always been impressed to varying levels by its on display and behind-the-scenes...
50 Reasons to Love Toronto with Kids in TOw

50 Reasons to Love Toronto with Kids in TOw

Small town vs. big city, suburbia vs. downtown, the list of pros and cons is long in the never-ending discussion of where is the best place to raise a family. As parents we often look at our own childhood experience to guide us in how we’d like our children to grow...
Pawsitively Pets

Pawsitively Pets

Can we have a dog? I get this question from time to time. While the answer continues to be no (reasons I’ll save for another post), I want my kids to have a chance to nuture their love for animals, even if we don’t have a live-in pet. I turned to Pawsitively...
Allan Gardens Conservatory

Allan Gardens Conservatory

I first tried visiting Allan Gardens during its annual Christmas Show. However, my promise of “poinsettias” didn’t work on my house full of boys. So the next time, my pitch was better prepared. At the mere mention of “turtles,” we were off to...